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W tytule mamy opis że grzałka jest na 220v na zdjęciach że na 380v a z rozmowy ze sprzedawcą wynika że to bez znaczenia .
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Ja coś źle kojarzę czy majfrend nie wie o czym pisze?What is the resistance of the 6kw heater?
In auction description was written that this is 220v heater but on the picture there is printed 380v. Is it 220v or 380v?
I know that 380v heater i can connect to 220v but 380v/6kw heater gives me only about 2kw power with 220v.
That is why I'm asking about resistance in ohm.
Our product is labeled 380V to provide a reference for professionals. The normal operating voltage of this product is 220V.
You can withstand different voltages through different wiring methods. Do you understand what I mean? The 380 we marked is the maximum withstand voltage
But what's nominal power of the heater. If I connect 6kw/220v heater to 380v I get more than 17kw. In other hand if I connect 6kw/380V heater to 220v will get obout 2kw. It is simple math P=U^2/R.
Or maybe this heater have same power regardless of voltage?
Or in other words what is resistance of this heater.
The internal structure of the product is different, which means that the internal resistance connected when wiring is different, so the voltage withstand is different, understand what I mean?
So you can answer the question about the resistance of each pipe or not? Do you understand what I mean?